Our school offers several programs that include both teaching credentialing and service credentialing. Benerd's focus is to guide our students through the process of obtaining not only a 学位 but also to help them through the credentialing process. 适合对小学或中学教学感兴趣的学生, we offer programs that lead to the Multiple Subject or Single Subject California Teaching Credential. 如果一个学生想教特殊教育, Benerd大学 offers Mild/Moderate and Moderate/Severe Education Specialist California Credential programs. 我们提供的所有证书都是初步的,除了学校心理学证书.


A Multiple Subject Credential authorizes the holder to teach in a self-contained classroom at the pre-school through twelfth grade level. A self-contained classroom is one in which a variety of subjects are taught to the same group of students by the same teacher. Multiple Subject Credentials are typically used for teaching in elementary schools or self-contained settings. 完成多学科证书课程后, you will be awarded the SB2042 Preliminary Multiple Subject Credential with English Language Learner Authorization embedded


  • 指纹识别
  • CA issued Certificate of clearance or valid 30-day sub permit/li>
  • 4岁以下结核检测呈阴性
  • 打开证书文件


  • 基本技能要求(pdf)
  • 通过CSETS考试必须满足主题要求吗
  • 完成婴儿/儿童(儿科)和成人心肺复苏术课程
  • 必须通过非洲
  • 必须通过/完成edTPA
  • 必须达到教学绩效预期
  • 必须遇见你.S. 历史上的需求
  • 需要成功完成学生教学
  • 成功修毕所有指定的证书课程,成绩达到C或以上
  • 成功完成所有项目评估以展示所需知识, 技能, 和性格


An Education Specialist Credential authorizes the holder to teach children with special needs at the elementary and secondary level. 轻度/中度教育专家证书(M/M), 和中度/重度(M/S)残疾, 独立证书是否不需要通识教育证书作为先决条件. 这些证书中包含了帮助自闭症学生的准备. Upon completion of the Education Specialist Credential Program you will be awarded the SB 2042 Preliminary Education Specialist Credential with English Language Learner Authorization embedded.


  • 指纹识别
  • CA签发的清关证书或有效期为30天的分许可证
  • 4岁以下结核检测呈阴性
  • 打开证书文件


  • 基本技能要求(pdf)
  • 通过CSETS考试必须满足主题要求吗 {Note: This can be met in three ways: 1) Pass the Multiple Subject or Single Subject CSET; 2) Complete a commissioned approved subject matter program (please provide documentation); or 3) hold an existing clear credential in a Multiple Subject credential.}
  • 完成婴儿/儿童(或儿科)和成人课程
  • 必须通过非洲
  • 必须达到教学绩效预期
  • 必须遇见你.S. 历史要求(pdf)
  • 需要成功完成学生教学
  • 成功修毕所有指定的证书课程,成绩达到C或以上
  • 成功完成所有项目评估以展示所需知识, 技能, 和性格


单一科目证书授权持有人在一个部门的课堂教学. A dep艺术mentalized classroom is one in which the teacher specializes in his/her subject area and teaches that single subject only. 单一科目主要在中学或中学教授, 7-12年级, 但有些科目(如.e., 艺术, 音乐, 和体育)可能是由一个单一的学科教师在小学水平. 完成单科目证书课程后, you will be awarded the SB2042 Preliminary 单科目证书 with English Language Learner Authorization embedded.


  • 指纹识别
  • CA签发的清关证书或有效期为30天的分许可证
  • 4岁以下结核检测呈阴性
  • 打开证书文件


注意:建议使用2.本科平均绩点5分,3分.研究生平均绩点0. If you are looking to become a 音乐 teacher you must complete the subject matter test through the conservatory of 音乐. 更多信息请联系鲁斯·布里廷 rbrittin@indiandonkey.com or 209.946.2408.


The 太平洋噪音博彩平台网址大全排名计划 provides scholarships and other support for STEM majors who become teachers in high-need school districts such as Stockton. 在你的STEM学士/学士课程的大三或大四期间, 你可以得到13美元的奖励,750元/年. 如果需要第五年才能获得教师资格证书, 你可以得到20美元的奖励,硕士教育年度学费为1000万英镑. 作为交换, 你只需要在毕业后在高需求的学区任教两年. 

STEM Noyce Grant


The LPPC program prepares you to enter the field of mental health counseling by providing the 技能 necessary to help promote positive change for individuals and groups. 持牌专业临床咨询师(LPCC)为有精神健康和药物滥用问题的人提供治疗和咨询."Professional clinical counseling" means the application of counseling interventions and psychotherapeutic techniques to identify and remediate cognitive, 精神和情感问题, 包括个人成长, 适应残疾, 危机干预, 以及社会心理和环境问题.


The 63-unit MA program and the 83-unit EdD program have been reviewed and accepted by the Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) in California. 这些程序的设计是为了满足BPC第4999节的要求.33. 这些课程包含所有13个核心内容领域的研究生水平课程, 先进的课程, 并根据行为科学委员会(BBS)的要求进行监督实习。. 他们由高素质的教师授课. The programs are grounded in theoretical principles and best practices in the field of counseling and have an emphasis on experiential learning. 全日制学生完成LPCC作为一个独立的程序, 文学硕士课程一般在两年完成,教育博士课程一般在三年完成. 任何一个课程都可以作为兼职课程完成. 请注意,这两个项目都符合LPCC的课程作业标准, 学生必须达到国家标准才能成为有执照的专业人士, including meeting minimum supervision requirements after graduation and passing state and/or national exams.


优先/首选申请截止日期:2月11日. 15

语言病理学服务证书, 语言和听力授权持有人进行语言, 演讲, 和听力评估,并提供教育服务, 提供与言语和语言相关的特殊学习障碍服务, and special education services to individuals with language and speech impairments across the special education disability areas, to students from birth through age 22 in services across the continuum of program options available found in California Code of Regulations Title 5 Section 80048.9.3(见术语和定义).


  • CTC指纹
  • CA签发的清关证书或有效期为30天的分许可证
  • 4岁以下结核检测呈阴性
  • 打开证书文件

对两年初级CA SLP证书的要求

  • 语言病理学硕士学位
  • 通过cb
  • 完成主流化/特殊儿童和儿童发展课程

对Clear CA SLP证书的要求

The Pupil Personnel Services Credential with the School Psychology Authorization allows individuals to provide school services in grades 12 and below. 学校心理学家试图培养社会, 通过与家庭合作,促进所有学生的情感和学业健康, 学校工作人员, 确保学生在支持公平的学校接受教育, 访问, 尊重所有人.

学校的心理学证书是直接挂钩的 Ed.S. 学位


  • 必须拥有相关领域的硕士学位 
  • 特定硕士课程的成绩必须不低于B 


  • 必须成功通过所有必修课程
  • 必须完成课程评估,包括学校心理学的实践考试
  • 必须成功通过所有的实地工作和实习要求和能力
  • 必须通过CBEST考试吗  

贝纳德学院获教师资格评审委员会(CTC)美国国家教师教育认证委员会(National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education) (NCATE), 以及全国学校心理学家协会 (NASP). 数据链


博彩平台网址大全候选人概述 2016- 2017年度报告(pdf)


The volunteer live scan is reported directly to the credential office and is required for our office to be in compliance with the CA Dep艺术ment of Justice regulations. The CASM live scan is to establish your professional record with the CA Teacher Credentialing Commission

是的, 如果您已经持有由CA认证委员会颁发的有效CA许可证, it may be submitted in place of the 清关证书 and you will not have to complete the CASM fingerprints.

The basic 技能 requirement can be met either by passing the CBEST or CSET Writing Skills in combination with the CSET Multiple Subjects subtest I, II, & 任何想要获得教师资格证书的人都需要参加第三次考试. 加州教育法典第44252条和44252条.6 .明确候选人必须证明, 用英语, 熟练掌握基础阅读, 写作, 还有数学技能.  Please check with the credential analyst for specifics regarding alternative tests to meet the basic 技能 requirement. 任何追求多学科的人都必须满足主题要求, 单科教师或初级教育专科教师资格证书. This means that you have to prove to the state that you know the subject area that you will be teaching. 符合主题要求:

  • 多科目考生 & 通过CSET多科目考试的三个部分,获得教育专员资格证书
  • 单一科目(SS)考生通过特定科目的CSET考试

信息可以在 CTC考试网站.

凭证分析人员将审查成绩单,看是否满足了要求. If you earned your bachelor's 学位 at a California State University (CSU) you automatically meet the requirement.  This requirement can be met by passing the online test offered by Notre Dame de Namur University found at the U.S. 宪法考试网站.

是的, 自2004年以来,获得了证书, 女士是否, SS or Ed Specialist is an SB 2042 which is NCLB compliant through passage of the CSET and has English Learner authorization embedded in the program.

不,心肺复苏术课程必须是座位上的课程,包括婴儿、儿童 & 成人CPR(也称为小儿CPR) & 成年人).

  • 多学科
  • SS =单一科目

Note: When registering for classes please enroll in the section appropriate to the credential you are pursuing

是的.  需要支付30美元的费用,用现金或支票支付.


  • 义工即时扫描表格
  • 加州认证委员会实时扫描表格(pdf)
  • 实时扫描操作员
  • 请求激活凭据文件
  • 类重写请求表格


  • 如何申请清关证书说明
  • 其他凭据信息
  • 结核病检测中心
  • 心肺复苏的资源
  • 美国宪法资源
  • 的认证常见问题
  • 证书课程分类

加州的认证 & 教育的链接



